Tool OEE and Production Report

The tool OEE and production report summarizes tool OEE and production data for all tools in a plant for a specific timeframe.

NOTE: The interval logic is based upon the time zone of the user running the report, not the time zone of the plant.

NOTE: The beginning period of the interval begins at midnight (00:00). The end period of the interval is also midnight (00:00). This means that the date shown on the interval includes all of the first day, but does not include the end day.

Accessing the Tool OEE and Production Report

The report is available on the dashboards screen, accessible by clicking the dashboards icon, then the "Tool OEE and Production Report" tab.

Interpreting the Report

The report consists of a group of rows for each tool in the plant. For each tool, the system displays a row for each shift where the tool had data in the specified interval.

Each tool is summarized in a "TOTAL" row, indicated by the word "TOTAL" in the "Shift" column. This total is the average of the values across the shifts for the tool in the specified interval.

The summary at the bottom of the report includes the aggregation of all tool performance by shift for the entire plant for the specified interval.


Term Definition
Availability Availability is determined by computing the actual run time as a proportion of planned production time for the tool in the specified interval. The range is 0-100%.
Performance Performance is the relationship of the actual run time to the net run time for the tool in the specified interval. The range is 0-100%.
Quality Quality is computed as actual production as a proportion of possible production for the tool in the specified interval. The range is 0-100%.
OEE OEE is the product of availability, performance, and quality. The range is 0-100%.
Gross Parts Produced The number of parts produced, including defective or rejected parts, by the tool, in the specified interval.
Rejects The number of parts rejected by the tool operator in the interval.
Net Parts Produced The difference between gross parts produced and the rejects.

Changing the Report Interval

Changing the report interval allows you to focus the report on a specific period of time. The report refreshes immediately after you change the period.

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