How to Access Asset Locations Map

ProFile > Left Navigation Bar > Dashboards

1.     Follow the above-mentioned workflow to land on the Dashboards module.

2.     From the tabs listed atop the screen, click Asset Locations. Doing so takes you to the Asset Locations map.

3.     This map shows you the locations in which the assets are installed along with the asset detail.

4.     The location at which the asset is installed has a red circle in which the count of all assets at that location is displayed.

5.     Clicking this circle opens the Assets at this location popup.

6.     Here, all the installed assets are tabulated via a couple of columns named Type and Count. The Type column includes the asset type whereas the count of functional assets out of total installed assets is displayed in the Count column.

7.     Clicking the + icon for an asset type expands that asset type displaying all the assets it contains.

8.     Additionally, clicking an asset type takes you to the Assets screen where the details of all assets contained in the selected asset type are displayed in the Filter and Sort Assets grid.

9.     In this grid, data for each asset is tabulated via various columns that include Asset ID, Part Number, Part Name, Part ID, Asset Image, Location, and Action.

10.  You can search for a specific asset using the Search Assets search bar at the top-left corner.

11.  To select additional asset classes (types), use the Asset Class filter.

12.  In case you want to view the favorite assets only, enable the Only Favorite toggle.

13.  To filter grid data on assets with a monitor attached, enable the With Monitor toggle.

14.  In case you do not want to view the asset ready for use, disable the Only Ready for Use toggle.

15.  To reset the applied filters, click the Reset Filters button.

16.  In case you want to load an already saved view of the grid, select it from the Loaded View dropdown.

17.  In case you want to save the view of the grid as per the selections you have made (filters you have applied), click the Save View button.

18.  To download the contents of the grid, click the Download Assets button.

19.  To edit an asset, click the Edit button from the Actions column for that specific asset row.

20.  To delete an asset, click the three-dot icon under the Actions column. This reveals the Delete option.

21.  Clicking Delete opens a confirmation message saying “Are you sure you want to delete this asset?” To confirm, click OK.

22.  To export the list displayed in the table, click the Export button at the top-right corner of the table.

23.  To reset table filters, click the Reset Table Filters button.

24.  Clicking the gear icon next to the Reset Table Filters button displays a menu with each column of the table along with a corresponding checkbox. This lets you show/hide the columns on the table as well as the buttons on the screen. Unmarking the checkbox hides the respective column or button from the screen whereas marking the checkbox displays it again.

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