How to Access Asset Graphs

ProFile > Left Navigation Bar > Dashboards

1.     Follow the above-mentioned workflow to land on the Dashboards screen.

2.     From the tabs listed atop the screen, click Assets. Doing so takes you to the Asset graphs screen.

3.     Here, a number of pie charts provide insightful analytics.

4.     Starting off, the Assets pie chart displays the count of assets w.r.t each asset type. Each piece of the pie represents an asset type and is differently color-coded for easier identification. Asset type is followed by a count of assets with that asset type displayed in brackets.

5.     Hovering over a pie reveals a tooltip displaying the name of the asset type and the count of asset(s) it contains.

6.     Clicking on a pie piece will produce a prompt asking if you would like to view those items within that pie piece.

7.     Clicking the OK button will take you to the assets page with a filter only showing the assets under that pie piece.

8.     Moving further, the Preventive Maintenance Status pie chart displays the number of assets falling in each preventive maintenance status. Each status is differently color-coded to make identification easier.

9.     Next up is the Tools Overview pie chart that displays the count of functional and non-functional tools. The non-functional are displayed in red color and titled as Down.

10.     The next pie chart is titled Cycle Time Status. This provides a breakdown of the count of assets for which the cycle time is within tolerance in green color whereas the ones falling outside UL2/LL2 are displayed in red.

11.     Similarly, the Efficiency Status pie chart also uses the green and red colors to represent the count of tools having efficiency within tolerance and the ones having outside UL2/LL2 respectively.

12.  At the end is the OEE Status pie chart. This also works in a similar manner as the previous two by displaying the count of tools having OEE within tolerance in green and the ones having outside UL2/LL2 in red.

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