How to Access Tool OEE and Production

ProFile > Left Navigation Bar > Dashboards

1.     Follow the above-mentioned workflow to land on the Dashboards screen.

2.     From the tabs listed atop, click Tool OEE and Production.

3.     Here, the tool overall equipment efficiency and production stats during a specified interval are displayed in a grid.

4.     Data is tabulated via various columns that include Tool, Shift, Availability, Performance, Quality, OEE, Gross Parts Produced, Rejects, and Net Parts Produced.

5.     The interval can be selected using the Interval date range selector.

6.     You can search for a specific record using the search bar at the top of the grid.

7.     Next to the search bar is the Export button. Clicking this button exports the contents of the grid in a .CSV file.

8.     Clicking the Reset Table Filters resets the applied filters on the grid.

9.     Clicking the gear icon next to it reveals a list of all columns along with a corresponding checkbox. This allows you to show/hide the columns on the grid. Unmarking the checkbox hides the column whereas marking it displays it on the grid again.

10.  Clicking the tool name from the Tool column takes you to the Assets screen where the details of the selected tool are displayed.

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