How to Manage Operators

ProFile > Left Navigation Bar > Administration

1.     Follow the above-mentioned workflow to land on the Administration section.

2.     From the navigation bar revealed, click Operators. Doing so takes you to the Operators screen.

3.     Here, all the existing operators are listed. Information for each operator is tabulated via various columns that include Operator ID, Description, Status, and Action.

4.     You can search for an operator using the Search Operators search bar.

5.     To edit an operator, click the Edit button from the Action column. Doing so opens the Edit Operator panel.

6.     Here, all the fields except Operator ID are editable. 

7.     Once the required changes are made, click the Save button.

8.     To delete an operator, click the three-dot icon next to the Edit button. Doing so reveals the Delete option.

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