Register For A New Account

Register For A New Account

Before users can register for a new account, they will need to be invited by a Enterprise Administrator or a Plant Manager. Invites will be received via email.

To Register:

1. Open invitation email with subject line: Your Account Has Been Created

Dear <User>,

You been invited to use <ClientName>  ProFile Application. Please complete the registration process by clicking on the following link, or copying and pasting the link into your browser: https:<Link>

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact: <AdministratorName> on <AdministratorEmail>.

2. Click the link provided in the email to open the "Welcome To ProFile" page.

. Check the "I agree with terms and conditions" checkbox and fill in the "Password" and "Confirm Password" fields with the password you want to use (must be a minimum of 10 characters).

4. Click the "Register" button

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