Reset Password

Reset Password

Password for users can be reset if the user has forgotten their password.

To reset your password:

1. At the ProFile login screen click the "Forgot password?" button.

2. On the "Forgot Password?" page, enter the email address that was used when you registered your account. If you have not registered please reference the Register For A New Account document.

3. Click "Reset Password".

4. On the "Check Your Email" page. Follow the instructions and check for a password reset initiation email. If you did not receive an email, wait for the timer on the "Check Your Email" page to finish counting down. Then, the "Resend Link" button will be enabled. Click the "Resend Link" button to resend the password reset initiation email.

5. Open the password reset initiation email and click the provided link to reset your password. Email Text:

Hello <Username>,

We received a request to reset your ProFile password. If you did not make this request, you can safely ignore this email.

To reset your password, please click this link: <Link>

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the ProFile help desk on <support email address>.

6. On the "Set new password" screen fill in the "Password" and "Confirm Password" fields with the new password you would like to use. (must be a minimum of 10 characters)

7. Click "Reset Password".

8. Review the "Password Reset" confirmation message. You will be automatically redirected to the Login page where you can use your new password to login. For instructions on how to login please reference the Log Into ProFile document.

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