Work Orders Log

Work Orders Log

Users are able to view a log of all work orders pertaining to a specific asset. The log is a table listing all work orders and related information such as:

  • Plant location of the Work Order
  • Work Order Number
  • Tool ID
  • Requested timestamp
  • User Email assigned to Work Order
  • Number of Cycle Since Requests
  • Status
  • Priority
  • Work Requested

Accessing the Work Orders Log

To access the Work Orders Log:

1. Select the "Assets" button from the left hand navigation bar.

2. Select the "Asset ID" of which you wish to see the work order log.

3. Select the "Work Orders" log button on the right hand navigation pane.

Exporting the Work Orders Log

The Work order log can be exported as a .csv file. To export the work order log:

1. Click the "Export" button on the work order log.

The browser should automatically download the csv file to your designated downloads folder.

Customizing Work Orders Log View

The work order log grid can be customized show and hide different columns. To customize the grid:

1. Click the "Cog" icon in the top right corner of the log.

2. Select or deselect the columns you wish to show or hide.

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