Asset Location Overview

Asset Location Overview

Assets in ProFile have an associated plant location and GPS location. The source for the list of plant locations is found in the master data section of the administration portion of ProFile. Only enterprise administrators and plant managers can make changes to the source list.

View Plant Location

To view and edit the Asset plant location:

1. Navigate to the "Assets" screen.

2. Click on the "Asset ID" you wish to view.

3. From the selected asset's "View Asset" page make sure the "Properties" tab is selected:

The location is listed in the asset "Properties".

Viewing the GPS Location

You can view an asset's GPS location by:

1. Select the asset's "Overview" tab.

2. Scroll to the bottom of the asset's "Overview" tab to view the GPS location.

Changing an Asset's Location

Both the GPS and plant locations can be edited. Review the Changing an Asset's Location article for more information.

Change Asset Location Permission

This chart illustrates the default role/permission configuration for the ProFile application. A green check means that the role is allowed to perform the action. A red circle means that the role cannot perform the action. Note that your experience may vary, as these roles are customizable. Please contact support if you have any specific questions.

Role Change Asset Location Permission
ProFile System Administrator
Enterprise Administrator
Machine Operator 🔴
Process Technician 🔴
Molding Floor Supervisor 🔴
Technician 🔴
Quality 🔴
Plant Manager
Asset Administrator
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