Asset Logs Overview

Asset Logs Overview

Every asset in ProFile will have associated Logs. Logs differ from reports in that logs are tabular and intend to communicate discrete actions, while reports are graphical and intend to summarize data for quick and easy consumption. 

Depending on whether or not you are viewing static assets or dynamic assets different logs will be available. Here is a list of the available reports for static and dynamic assets.

Static Asset Logs:

  • Activity
  • Alerts
  • Parts Consumed
  • Work Orders

Dynamic Asset Logs:

  • Machine Summary
  • Machine Connection History
  • Activity
  • Alerts
  • Parts Consumed
  • Work Orders
  • Historical Rejects
  • Historical Downtime
  • Historical Cavitation
  • Historical Production

Log Descriptions:

  • Machine Summary  - Timestamped list of all the presses the asset has been connected to along with additional details
  • Machine Connection History - Provides a timestamped list of machine connection history information and other important details
  • Activity - List of timestamped activities containing the username that performed the activity
  • Alerts - List of timestamped alerts containing the Class, Category, and text of the alert
  • Parts Consumed - List of timestamped Parts Consumed events containing information associated with the specific parts that were consumed
  • Work Orders - List of work orders associated with selected asset along with associated work order metadata
  • Historical PM - List of Historical Preventative Maintenance events 
  • Historical Rejects - List of Historical Reject events
  • Historical Downtime - List of Historical Downtime events
  • Historical Cavitation - List of Historical Cavitation events
  • Historical Production Orders - List of Historical Production Order events

To Access the logs associated with a particular asset:

1. Click on "Assets" button from left hand navigation bar.

2. Select the "Asset ID" name you wish to view logs for.

3. Click on any of the listed logs.

Check related articles for more information on specific logs.

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