Preventative Maintenance Overview

Preventative Maintenance Overview

Preventative maintenance is a critical part of asset operations. The ProFile application automates the creation of preventative maintenance checklists with templates, instances, and a choreography that makes sure that the right users see the checklists at the right time to get the work done.

The ProFile system includes both enterprise preventative maintenance templates and plant preventative maintenance checklists. Enterprise preventative maintenance checklist templates are only used as templates to create plant-specific preventative maintenance checklists. Plant-specific preventative maintenance checklists are used by the ProFile system to create checklists that system users fill out. You can copy an enterprise checklist to one or more plants at any time.

There is a difference between PMC templates and PMC instances. A template is a pattern from which PMC instances are created. Instances represent actual specific checklists that must be completed based upon the firing of a trigger.

Whenever templates or assets are created, edited or updated, goals for PMCs are created. These goals are copies of the PMC templates. The goals are are in the future. These goals are moving toward "now" with every cycle or click of the clock.

PMC Template Key Attributes

  • Name - A short title of the PM checklist, used as a header in the user interface and various reports.
  • Description - A longer description of the PM. This is a longer name used in detail reports and in the user interface to explain the scope or purpose of the PM.
  • Active  - A toggle that controls whether or not the system creates PM checklists from this template.
  • Asset Class - The set of asset definitions that the system considers when evaluating whether to create a checklist from a template.
  • Conditions - The set of triggers that cause the template to be created for an asset. Triggers can include cycles, hours, or calendar events.
  • Effects - When a PM checklist is completed, the work performed may also satisfy the requirements of one or more other PM checklists associated with other templates. Satisfying external preventative maintenance checklists based upon the completion of another checklist is called “Cascading Checklist Completion.”
  • PM Custom Fields - The set of custom fields to collect data specific to this template not envisioned at the time of the system’s design.
  • Checkpoints - List of items to be checked during the preventative maintenance.
  • Current cycle count - The current cycle count, not necessarily the cycle count at the time of PM checklist creation. 
  • Current hour count - The current hour count, not necessarily the hour count at the time of PM checklist creation. 

Trigger conditions may be one or more of a cycles condition, an hours condition, or a calendar conditions. For example: trigger must be “on January 1, 2023” OR (hours count = 100, interval = 0). In this example, the PMC instance creation will occur on the earlier of either the date or the hour count.

Cycles conditions must have a start count (positive integer greater than 0) and a recurrence pattern of either one time or recurring. If it is recurring an interval value (positive integer greater than 0) must be provided.

Hours conditions must have a start count (positive integer greater than 0) and a recurrence pattern of either one time or recurring. If it is recurring an interval value (positive integer greater than 0) must be provided.

Calendar conditions must have a recurrence pattern of a daily recurrence, weekly recurrence, monthly recurrence, or yearly recurrence.

AND or OR: If AND logic is used then checklist creation from the template will occur if all condition triggers are met. If OR logic is used then checklist creation from the template will occur when the earliest of the any of the selected conditions (cycles, hours, or calendar) is met.

Custom Fields

Any number of custom fields can be added to a PM checklist. Each field consists of a name and a text field for data entry while the PM is being performed.


Checkpoints are checklist items that must be evaluated during the preventative maintenance. Either a selection of Yes, No, or N/A must be selected to satisfy the checkpoint. If the checkpoint's condition is met the person performing the preventative maintenance would check Yes. If the condition isn't met, the user would select No. If either Yes or No isn't appropriate for the situation, the user would check N/A. Additional comments can also be added if there are pertinent notes that should be documented.


When a PM Checklist is completed, the work performed may also satisfy the requirements of one or more other PM Checklist Instances associated with other PMC Templates. Satisfying external PMC Instances based upon the completion of one PMC Instance is called “Cascading Checklist Completion.”

Consider the following example:

If a user completes PMC Instance 1, the system should identify that PMC Instance 3 should also be completed.

If a user completes PMC Instance 4, the system should identify that PMC Instance 1, 2, and 3 should also be completed.

If a user completes PMC Instance 3, the system should only complete instance 3, as there are no CCC relationships associated with PMC Template B.

Create a New Preventative Maintenance Checklist

Creating new preventative maintenance checklists is done from the Administration section of ProFile. There are two methods for creating New PM Checklists: Enterprise PM Checklist Templates and Plant PM Checklists. The Enterprise PM Checklist Template method is best when you want to copy a PM checklist over to multiple Plants associated with a particular Enterprise. Plant PM Checklist creation is good when you only want the PM checklist to be used at one particular Plant.

Only Enterprise Administrators and Plant Managers can create new preventative maintenance checklists.

Review the related article below about creating new preventative maintenance checklists for step by step instructions to create new preventative maintenance checklists.

Completing Preventative Maintenance Checklists

Users can complete preventative Maintenance Checklists that have been assigned to particular assets.

Review the related article below about completing preventative maintenance checklists for step by step instructions to complete preventative maintenance checklists.

Preventative Maintenance Checklist Override

On the configuration tab, individual assets can be configured to override their PM Checklists and settings that are otherwise set at the plant level.

Check the related article "Asset Configuration" for more details.

Create a Preventative Maintenance Checklist for at an Individual Asset Level

All PM checklists are initially created as templates and can be applied to all assets in a specific asset class, specified in the PM Checklist template settings. However, sometimes you may only want a PM Checklist to be used for one particular asset.

Check the related article "Create a PM Checklist for an Individual Asset" for more details.

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