Activity Tracking Overview

Activity Tracking Overview

As different activities are performed on different entities in the ProFile system these activities are tracked along with important metadata associated with the activity. The events that are tracked show up in the activity logs associated with particular assets. 

Check the related article Activity Log and Asset Logs Overview for more information.

Activities that are Tracked

Any changes associated with an entity such as an information/field value change, the uploading and editing of related documents, and switching tools are all tracked as activities that show on associated activity logs. For example: when a field on an asset is changed, the activity is logged along with important information such as the name of the asset associated, the name of the field that changed, as well as the old and new values. Other important metadata such as timestamps of when activities happened, the user who performed the activity, and more is included in every activity event.

See a full list of the activities and their associated metadata below.

Activities that are tracked:

Class Definition Variables or additional details
Document upload/update Track when a document is uploaded to a library. The target of the addition; The filename; The action (upload/delete/etc.)
Asset information update Track changes to asset metadata The asset; the field that changed; the old and new values
Tool switch Track changes to tools in presses, or inserts in tools The press; The tool; The insert

Metadata stored for each activity:

Field Definition Additional details
Timestamp The timestamp that the activity happened on Should be stored in GMT
Activity type The type of the activity, defined from the list above.
Entity reference The entity to which the activity happened Should be assets.
User reference The actor responsible for the activity For display purposes, show the name and email address.
Action description The action description, including any other relevant information. When rendered in a browser, include hyperlinks where relevant. For example, include a hyperlink to the document in the file cabinet. If possible, include hyperlinks to assets as well. In CSV or flat exports, only display titles.
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