Navigation Quick Reference

Navigation Quick Reference

Navigating the ProFile interface is made easy using the "inverted L" (the top and left navigation bars). 

The top navigation bar is focused on selecting the current context of the ProFile application (which client, plant, and enterprise is being viewed) as well as information important to the specific user that is logged in such as notifications and profile settings and language.

The left navigation bar is for navigating to more detailed information associated with the specific context selected in the top navigation bar. For example: Selecting the "Assets" button from the left hand navigation bar will take the user to the asset management page for the specific plant that is selected as the current context.

Inverted L Reference Image

1. Expand/Collapse Left Navigation Bar

2. Client Selector

3. Enterprise Selector

4. Plant Selector

  1. Time zone of plant in relation to your time, in this case the plant selected is 2 hours ahead of you.

Top Right:

5. Notifications

6. Profile Menu

Left Navigation Bar:

7. Administration

8. Dashboards

9. Assets

10. Production Orders

11. Work Orders

12. Alerts

13. PM Checklists Due

The left hand navigation bar shows the full names of the buttons when it is in it's expanded state.

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