Changing an Asset's Class

Changing an Asset's Class

It is possible to change an asset's class at any time after it has already been created in the ProFile system. It is common to have new assets created with the generic "Asset" class type before the intended class type is known. Therefore, ProFile allows the class type to be changed after creation time to migrate one class type to another. When this migration of class type happens the associated property fields of the asset will change. If the original class type shares any property fields that also exist on the destination class type, those fields will continue to exist and any data in those property fields will be retained. However, any fields that don't exist on the destination class type will be removed along with any of their stored data (this is a destructive process in which the data is NOT recoverable). Any new fields that only exist on the destination class type will simply be added at the time of migration.

How to Change Asset Class

1. Find the desired asset from the asset list in ProFile in which you want to change the asset class and click "Edit" in the "Action" column.

2. In the "View Asset" screen click the "Edit" button.

3. Click the "Asset Class" dropdown and select the new asset class desired. (In this example we will be changing the asset class from "Asset" to "Mold".

4. Click the "Migrate" button

5. Click "Yes" on the "If you migrate all custom properties from this type will be lost!" dialog box.

Notice that the available properties in the "Properties" tab have changed. All of the new properties associated with the mold class type have been added.

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