Create a PM Checklist For an Individual Asset

All PM checklists are initially created as templates and can be applied to all assets in a specific asset class, specified in the PM Checklist template settings. However, sometimes you may only want a PM Checklist to be used for one particular asset.

In order to create a PM Checklist that is applied to one particular asset:

  1. Navigate to the "Administration" screen within ProFile and select the "PM Checklists" under the "Manage Plant" section.

  1. Either create a new PM Checklist by clicking the "Create PMC Template" button or edit an existing PMC by clicking the "edit" icon on the particular PMC you wish to update. (Directions for creating a new PM Checklist can be found in the related article "Create a New Preventative Maintenance Checklist Template".)

  1. On the "Edit PMC Template" screen toggle the "Active" button so that it is disabled.

  1. Navigate to the "Assets" section of ProFile.

  1. Select the individual asset you wish to configure for PMC override.

  1. Select the "Edit" button in the top right of the screen.

  1. Find the PM Checklist you wish to override and click the "Edit" icon.

  1. Toggle the "Active Override" button to be active and the PM Checklist will be active for this individual asset. Click "Confirm" when done.

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