Scanning a QR Code

Scanning a QR code requires a mobile device with a camera and internet access.

What is it?

A QR code encodes information about ProFile assets into a 2-dimensional barcode. You can scan the QR code with any mobile device with a camera. The mobile device can decode the information in the QR code. Depending on the apps installed in your phone, you may be redirected to the ProFile website or the ProFile application on your phone.

The ProFile system (both the application and the website) will automatically update the location of the asset to the GPS location of your mobile device when you scan the QR code.

After the ProFile system records the location, you will be able to interact with the asset directly.

What do I need to use a QR Code?

  1. A subscription to the ProFile platform.
  2. One or more tagged assets.
  3. A mobile device with a camera.
  4. A user account on the ProFile platform, with sufficient permissions to access the assets you'll be scanning.
  5. You must allow the browser and the application to access your location.
  6. Optionally: the ProFile application, available from the Apple App Store or the Google Play store.

How do I scan a QR Code?

  1. Open the camera app on your mobile device.
  2. Point the camera at the QR code on the asset.
  3. Tap the QR code. For more information about how to interact with QR codes on your device, refer to the reference section below.
  4. Your phone will open a web page that will ask you if you wish to share your location. Please share your location.
  5. Your phone will then redirect you to the ProFile website OR the ProFile application, if you have it installed.
  6. The ProFile system will record your location as the new location of the asset.


Android: How to scan a QR code with the Android camera

Apple: How to scan a QR code with the Apple camera

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