Plant Overview


This document applies to ProFile versions listed below or earlier.

Frontend: 1.111.1

Backend: 1.115.2

Database: 1.5.001

Platform: 9.4.0-b49

The Plant Overview screen allows administrators to configure variables and details about the plant. The information on this screen is used throughout the application.

The plant overview screen, with each field numbered.
Key Field Name Description
1 Name The name of the plant, used to identify the plant throughout the application.
2 Enterprise The parent enterprise. Used to create context and model the client structure.
3 Timezone The time zone of the plant. Used to display information in local times.
4 Daily Stats Reset At The time at which the "daily" statistics are reset and fresh statistics begin computing. Independent of shift or schedules set at the plant.
5 Downtime Threshold (min) The threshold, in minutes, after which a tool is determined to be down as opposed to active, idle, or disconnected.
6 Description The description of the plant; shown in the list of plants for the client and enterprise.
7 Location The location, expressed in latitude and longitude.
8 Notes A free-form text field to capture notes about the plant.
9 Logo The logo of the plant. Maximum file size of 200kb. Preferred proportions are 1:1 (square).
10 Tablet Link Opens a screen to get a link to a big screen dashboard for the plant, intended to be cast to a screen for operational data overview.
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