20230909 - Bug Fixes and New Features

Version summary

Component Version
Frontend 1.111.0
Backend 1.115.1
Platform 9.4.0-b49

Notable new features

Alert triggering logic

  1. All alerts have a new, active/inactive status.
    1. The value of it is true if the condition of the alert is currently valid.
    2. When the condition becomes false, the alert will remain unacknowledged, but the alert will switch to inactive .
  2. When evaluating alert conditions, if there already is an existing active alert on that condition:
    1. Update the existing active alert. Keep track of, inside the alertData , what is the minimum/maximum (the highest point away from the alert threshold that was achieved)
    2. If there is no active alert, create a new one.
  3. Note that the existing rules where we were not creating alerts they were not acknowledged are no longer in effect.
  4. The acknowledge flag becomes informational only

Depending on the type of alert, we are also storing the maximum value the alert reached. See the table below for more details.

Click to expand

In the table below +1 means that the condition above it repeats.

The Force Trigger column means that the alert is deactivated inside the Database_TT , RaiseAssetAlert service.

Alert Category Trigger condition Deactivation condition Comments Force Trigger

Not used

Not used

Not used

Not used

Not used

Not used

Not used

Not used

Not used

Not used

CavitationDown cavitation value change When another cavitation change happens
CavitationUp +1 +1

CycleTimeExceededTargetByUL1 cycleInterval value change When the condition for triggering is no longer met

CycleTimeExceededTargetByUL2 +1 +1

CycleTimeLowerThanTargetByLL1 +1 +1

CycleTimeLowerThanTargetByLL2 +1 +1

Downtime When a cycle represents a downtime When a cycle no longer represents a downtime

EfficiencyExceededTargetByUL1 After processing a cycle if the efficiency meets the conditions After processing a cycle if the efficiency doesn't meet the conditions

EfficiencyExceededTargetByUL2 +1 +1

EfficiencyLowerThanTargetByLL1 +1 +1

EfficiencyLowerThanTargetByLL2 +1 +1

GapInCycleData In ProcessCycleBatch if a gap is found When a new alert of this type is created

AssetIdle When currentStatus changes to 2 aka idle When currentStatus changes to a value that is not 2

OEEExceededTargetByUL1 After processing a cycle if the OEE meets the conditions After processing a cycle if the OEE doesn't meet the conditions

OEEExceededTargetByUL2 +1 +1

OEELowerThanTargetByLL1 +1 +1

OEELowerThanTargetByLL2 +1 +1

TemperatureBaseline When temperature reaches a value higher than the one set by the user When the condition for triggering is no longer met

TemperatureLimit When temperature reaches a value above 90 +1

PMOK When CompletePmcInstance is called When another alert of the same type is crated
PMCompleted +1 +1
PMOverdue When a PM is overdue When CompletePmcInstance is called and the PMC are auto acknowledged

PMWarning When a PM is within 5% of the conditions When a pm becomes overdue or is completed by the auto PMC acknowledge

WorkOrderH When a High priority work order is created When another alert of the same type is created
WorkOrderM When a Medium priority work order is created +1
WorkOrderCancelled When a work order is cancelled +1
WorkOrderCompleted When a work order is completed +1


Not used

Not used

Change was described in #283, implemented in 4ad80295

No longer broken

  • Asset creation: wait until an asset is created before redirecting to it. Fixes issue where the user would get told that the asset does not exist immediately after creating it (#269, 891dd584)
  • User management: fixes the following issues with capability to assign the following roles (#467, 08fc7f1b)
    • enterprise manager could only be applied to clients. Now it can be assigned to both clients and enterprises
    • plant manager could only be applied to clients. Now it can be assigned to clients, enterprises and plants
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