20231011 - Bug Fixes and New Features

Asset charts improvements

  • Improve UX on chart reports, especially when first opening them.
    • When first opening a report, it will show you the data for the current day, up to "now"
    • Allow the user to select a different range, instead of just selecting a start date, and having a server imposed limit on the number of results
    • Added some predefined ranges to help user quickly select data

  • Removed server limits on the number of rows returned. Most reports are now limited to 5000 row, instead of much smaller limits used before (100)
  • Add a slider on the cycle time report, allowing the user to zoom into some cycles.
  • Fix time not properly appearing/disappearing in the chart options based on the interval

No longer broken

  • Only Active or IDLE cycles should trigger an increase of the hours and cycles on inserts and presses
  • Properly support Date & Time custom properties on assets. Previously, adding a DateTime property would break the "Asset Properties" page
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