20231003 - Bug Fixes and New Features

Firmware management for v4 devices

The last release contained the backend to make firmware management for v4 devices (gateways and monitors) possible.

This release contains the frontend changes to allow administrators go to the administrator panel, select a list of V4 devices, and create a firmware deployment job. Then, specific UIs exist for visualizing existing jobs, and managing their progress.


Map component

Maps displayed throughout the application now correctly show road numbers and are generally improved, especially when displaying them in languages other than english.

No longer broken

  • PMs display: the dates and cycle numbers shown for PMs should be when they were completed (last event), not first.
    • This change applies for both the PM Instance View, and the Historical PMs report
  • Gateway details
    • Page now scrolls correctly when the monitor table does not fit onto the page
    • Confirmation for deletion
    • Refresh the page on context changes
    • Improve display of enabled status
  • QR Code scanning
    • Scanning the QR code of a v4 Device will automatically trigger a location update
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