Managing Downtime - September 2023 and onwards


This document applies to ProFile versions after the September 18, 2023 release.

Downtime is the situation where a tool is not producing as expected.

ProFile helps you to understand and manage the downtime you experience on assets at your plant.

Downtime management considers the following variables:

  • Plant level
    • Downtime Classification Threshold (min) - default value is 30 minutes. This is the threshold above which the user must classify the observed downtime using one of the downtime classes and reasons.
    • Downtime Classes and Reasons
  • Asset level
    • Cycle Time
    • Downtime Threshold - default value is 300 seconds (5 minutes)
    • Scheduled Downtime Threshold - default value is 360 minutes (6 hours)

Downtime only applies to assets of the mold or die classes and their subclasses.


Variables used in the example; not a part of the ProFile user interface.
Example schedule, based on a "day" period.

Places Where ProFile Manages Downtime

  1. The molds dashboard shows the downtime for the tool relative to the shift or the day.
  2. The asset overview page shows the downtime for the asset for the current shift.
  3. The asset downtime chart report shows the downtime for a specific interval, aggregated by duration, count, reason, and class codes.
  4. The asset historical downtime log shows the historical downtime including classifications.
  5. The classify downtime capability in the main user interface.
  6. The classify downtime capability in the operator interface.


The following rules are organized in order of increasing tool cycle time.

  1. When the asset's cycle time is less than asset's downtime threshold, then the tool is considered running and the downtime bar is green for the period.
  2. When the asset's cycle time is greater than the asset downtime threshold and less than the plant downtime classification threshold, then the tool is considered down, and the downtime bar is light red for the period.
  3. When the asset's cycle time is greater or equal to the plant's downtime classification threshold AND the asset's cycle time is less than the scheduled downtime threshold, then the tool is considered down, and the downtime bar is red for the period.
  4. When the asset's cycle time is greater than the scheduled downtime threshold, the asset is considered in scheduled downtime and the downtime bar will be light blue.
  5. When the downtime bar includes a period of time in the future, the future time will be colored dark grey.
  6. If the system cannot yet determine the mode of operation (running, down, scheduled downtime) then the bar will be colored light grey and may change to the proper color when the system gets enough information to determine the proper state.
  7. The downtime bar begins at either the plant's daily stats reset time or the start time of the current shift.
  8. The downtime bar shows either the current shift duration or the duration until the next plant daily stats reset, depending on the context.
    1. In the molds dashboard, the shift/day context is determined by the switch at the top of the dashboard.
    2. In the asset overview page, the context is always the shift, unless no shift is configured at the plan, in which case the bar represents the day.
  9. The system will allow the user to record a downtime classification and reason when the cycle time is greater than or equal to the downtime threshold and less than the scheduled downtime threshold.
  10. If the system receives a message from the hardware indicating that the connection is lost, then the tool is considered down.
  11. If the monitor is removed from the tool, then the tool is considered down.

Differences from Previous Behavior

  • Prior to the current version of ProFile, the system only marked an asset as down if the cycle time exceeded the plant's downtime threshold, but did not exceed the tool's sleep threshold. The current version does not take into consideration any plant-level thresholds when determining asset downtime behavior.
  • Downtime entries will be recorded in historical downtime for downtimes that are scheduled.
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