Shifts and Schedules


Shifts and schedules allow you to model the period of time that your plant is actually operating and producing output. Shifts and schedules are unique to individual plants, and can be configured independently of other plants in the same Enterprise or Client.

A schedule includes one or more shifts. Typical uses for schedules are to coordinate calendar-based production scheduling to meet seasonal demand.

A shift includes time periods for one or more days. Typical uses for shifts are to identify when groups of personnel are monitoring or managing the production equipment within a specific day and week period.


Schedules are used to organize groupings of one or more shifts. Only one schedule can be active at a plant at a single time.

Key Field Name Description
1 Add/Save button Used to add or save the configured schedule to the plant's configuration.
2 Name The name of the schedule.
3 Priority The priority of the schedule, should there be overlapping schedules at the same plant.
4 From ... To The calendar period for which this schedule applies.
5 Add Shift button Used to add a new shift to the schedule.
6 Shift list The list of shifts assigned to this schedule.
7 Edit/More buttons The buttons used to edit or remover the specific shift from the schedule.


Shifts are used to define when production occurs. Shifts are defined by a start and end time.

Key Field Name Description
1 Add/save button Used to add or save the configured schedule to the plant's configfuration.
2 Name The name of the shift.
3 Shift # The ordinal number of the shift.
4 Recurring Every The recurrence period for the shift. Default is 1, and implies that the shift is repeated weekly.
5 Day configuration The daily details of the shift Includes whether the shift is open or closed on that specific day, and the open and close time of the shift on that day.

See Also

Shifts are used in dashboards, reports, and KPI calculations.

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